

Biotech crops contribute to reducing the environmental impact of productive agriculture

Mechanised and digital agriculture that will reduce drudgery for smallholder farmers

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Was launched on 18 August 2011, as a country chapter to OFAB Africa also in response to the need for better understanding of a range of products; benefits and concerns associated with biotechnology; and for providing an opportunity to agricultural scientists and experts in Ghana, to bring the benefit of their knowledge to bear on finding solutions to Ghana's development problems. At OFAB Ghana we seek to ensure that the critical mass of knowledge possessed by scientists on biotechnology is made available to policy makers and the public. OFAB Ghana engages its stakeholders through Conferences, Workshops, and Stakeholder meetings to bridge the gap between scientists and policy makers on the one hand and the public on the other.

Our Activities towards our Mission

 Policy engagement by facilitating platforms for dialogue among Scientific Community and Policy makers

Traning & Worshop

 Training & Workshop programmes for Farmer Groups and Media professionals


 Awards scheme to motivate scientific reporting by Media


 Facilitating platforms for dialogue among stakeholders in agriculture and biotechnology industry.


 Outreach and awareness amongst Students.

Seeing-is-believing tours
 As part of our activities we organise field visits; field trips to the CFTs of NEWEST rice at Nobewan and Premium Foods Ltd in Kumasi, BT Cowpea at ...


A food secure Africa where agricultural biotechnology is making significant contribution


To enhance knowledge-sharing and awareness on agricultural biotechnology that will raise understanding and appreciation of the technology and contribute to building an enabling environment for informed and timely decision making

Our Strategic Partners.


Iranian GM Rice Found to Contribute to E…

A team led by scientists in Iran found that genetically modified (GM) rice helped reduce negative environmental impacts and energy usage as compared to its conventional counterparts.

Bangladeshi eggplant farmers reap reward…

Farmers in Bangladesh achieved significantly higher yields and revenues by growing insect-resistant, genetically engineered eggplant, a new Cornell study has found.

27,000 Farmers in Bangladesh Reap the Be…

Bt Eggplant or brinjal (Solanum melongena) as it is more commonly known in Bangladesh, has revived the country's eggplant industry by increasing fruit yield and reducing insecticide use, according to...

Zambia to Release 2 Drought Tolerant Cow…

Zambia will soon welcome two new varieties of drought tolerant cowpeas that can produce up to 10 percent more yield than their parent varieties despite the heat, drought, pests, and...

Genome Editing and Its Applications in H…

ISAAA AfriCenter will hold a live webinar on genome editing and its applications in health and agriculture.

African Agricultural Technology Foundati…

NAIROBI: 24 May 2012 – The African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF) based in Nairobi has signed a license agreement with Japan Tobacco (JT) of Japan

Experts select new rice varieties for Af…

[COTONOU] A group of rice breeding experts has agreed and adopted six new rice varieties under the ARICA (Advanced Rice in Africa) label to help boost yields.

Bright day for Biosciences in Kenya as N…

In a bold, historic move, the Kenya NBA (National Biosafety Authority) has granted approval for environmental release of Bt Maize.

AATF to Mark International Women’s Day

This week the African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF) marks the International Women’s Day to celebrate women and challenge stereotypes in the society.

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